The world peace crystal grid at the North Pole has been placed at the North Pole. It is part of the plan to place two crystal grids at the two poles. The idea is to ‘cap’ the earth’s both ends with high energy fields and make the energy remain inside the earth. The energy devices at the poles are the centres of energy and the aim is to spread or radiate the creator life force energy across the world. The device radiates energy to the world and heals it. It is not for any particular religion, race or country. It is for the whole world. It will heal the earth and its living beings and events and situations. This way there will be a happy and peaceful world. This is needed because the world is full of wars, conflicts, mutual distrust, misunderstanding, feeling of disbelief for each other etc.
The grid is aimed at establishing peace and harmony in the world through the use of the holy and divine Reiki energy spreading. It will ensure peace and growth of the whole humanity or mankind. There will be progress, love for each other, mutual respect etc. It will introduce the feelings of compassion and gratitude for each other and this will make the world very happy and cordial. All this will be possible only by using the grids at the right places. The perfect places for the grids are the two ends of earth or the North Pole and the south. By placing the grids at the two ends, energy will not be able to escape and remain or confined to earth only. This idea was developed and used by the Reiki practitioners who are interested in a beautiful and conflict free world.
The popularity of the ideas has increased and is continuously increasing. Idea has been appreciated by many and appreciated. Efforts have been made to prepare the grid powerfully so that it is strong with energy. That is why it has been created out of quartz crystals to enable it maximum powerful. The most important thing is that the quartz grid must be able to spread as much energy as possible and touch the lives of as many people as possible. The energy thus created with benefit large number of people and the world will change gradually. This way the tensions and misconceptions about each other and there will be prosperity and happiness.