
Reiki for Lovers

As in every aspect, love is also not untouched by the great effects of Reiki. Because love is one of the best feelings and emotions that man has known, it works wonders for love. Love may be of any kind like paternal love, romantic love and love for pets. Reiki has proved to be great for lovers and has helped lovers unite despite adverse situations and circumstances. Many may think that how Reiki can help lovers but it has proved to be helpful in innumerable cases. Reiki for lovers has been seen under all the conditions in which Reiki is done. There seems to be a special and unique bond and relationship between all those practicing it. There is a special rapport and the co-lovers are truly and largely different from the ‘normal’ lovers. To the extent, that there is a huge increase in telepathy and partners are able to sense each other’s thoughts, feelings and ideas instantly. There seems to be no lapse in time at all! Then immediately come to know what the other partner wants.

Reiki unites and unifies them in strange ways as per human understanding. The lovers are united and in tune with each other mentally, emotionally, spiritually and in a high state of communion. There is lot of harmony and balance in mutual relationship. The couple become capable empowered and are able to move beyond the boundary or limitation of space-time and converge into one soul. There are so much union and common feelings and emotions between the bonded pairs that they know what the other partner is thinking of communicating. This has been extraordinary and amazing experience for all those who participated in the Reiki attunement process.

Everybody who is new to the process is very curious and even has some doubt as well for the process. There is some degree of disbelief among the new participants even but all this fades away as time and Reiki progresses. They have a new vision and understanding and come to know and realise newer concepts about love. They begin experiencing new things which are strange for them. They come to know how Reiki can be used to create, enhance and maintain lovable relationships. Couples can also send Reiki to their partners from any distance in the world. They remain in touch with each other over long distances because there is end of distance during Reiki.

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