What is Reiki
Reiki is the traditional Japanese way of healing based on the
concept of unseen "Life Force Energy" which keeps us alive. It is
believed that this life force energy flows through each of us and
determines the wellbeing or otherwise, of a human being. In case
our life force energy is high, we feel more energetic, happy and
healthy but when it is at a low level, we feel sick and stressed out.
Reiki basically involves techniques for reducing stress and
inducing healing through "laying of hands".
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Reiki Training
This is simple, non-invasive, yet very powerful healing system
which works only with the hand placement techniques taught by
the Masters. The Reiki practitioners receive multi-level training
and guidance and are awarded certificates at the end of the
course. Students should aspire to learn the Masters level
whether or not they pursue teaching because it is needed for
further self-development and will enhance your spiritual journey.
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Spiritual Healing
Reiki clears your life of negative energies. It triggers the
body's natural healing abilities and balances its aural or
energy field for good health. It infuses the aura and the body
with positive energy and clears the energy blocks formed out
of a lack of energy flow. Reiki is known to energise people or
places such as home or office with positive energy.
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Under Reiki, it is believed that this life force energy flows through the physical body and keeps us alive. It is responsible for
keeping cells, tissues and organs of the body functioning and any disruption in its flow reduces the functioning of tissues and
body organs. The life force flows through the body in pathways called chakras, meridians and naadis and is also present around
our bodies in the form of an energy field called 'aura'.
The aura is closely associated with our thoughts and feelings and is directly affected by our
positive or negative thoughts. As a result, any negative thought or self-suggestion by us,
whether consciously or unconsciously, affects our well-being because the negative ideation gets
'attached' to the aural field and disrupts the flow of the life force energy through the body. And, as
a result, there is diminished performance of body organs.
The disturbances or flaws in the flow of life force or positive energy through the body are healed
by Reiki which clears the energy pathways and restores the flow of positive energy through
them. It targets the affected parts of the energy field where the negative thoughts get attached,
raises the vibratory level of the energy field and restores the flow of positive energy in and around
the body. So, Reiki ensures that the positive energy pathways in and around the body are cleared
and healed to allow the flow of 'good' energy through the body in a natural way.
What can be treated?
Reiki is capable of healing various health conditions as proved by its long and impressive history over centuries. It is a complete therapy in itself but can also be used in combination with other therapies to work wonders and enhance their effectiveness in treatment. That is why now-adays it is being used widely in conjugation with other therapies to yield great results.