Reiki is a gentle, yet powerful form of healing and the benefits are felt on various levels. It can be used alongside other complementary therapies or conventional medicine.
Reiki is known for reducing stress levels thru inducing a state of relaxation. While stress is not considered as illness, everyone experiences stress. And when stress is experienced for a prolong periods of time, the body can begin to be affected both physical and mentally, as it weakens the immune system. In the UK, the Health and Safety Executive report than an estimated half million people experience Stress at a level that makes them ill and unable to work. Reiki encourages and supports positive personal choices. Reiki can and does help with stress reduction, which has the added benefit of boosting the immune system.
Reiki can enhance everyday living and regular sessions may help to promote development of a healthier state of being.
It helps counter negative thoughts like anxiety, stress, feeling of insecurity, mental tension, doubt, lack of confidence, hatred, jealousy etc. and helps in positive thinking.
Note: Reiki is being used in various different organisations such as private practice, care of the elderly, drug rehabilitation, cancer support centres, GP surgeries, hospitals, hospices, groups, post-operative recovery, prisons, HIV/AIDS centres, and in the complementary therapy centres.