There has been a changing period for Reiki at present. This is because there is two way effect and changes that we see in the present times. On one side Reiki is changing the consciousness and on the other, consciousness towards Reiki is undergoing change. This shows and proves that our world has a great future, a future of peace in which every country, people and religions has a cordial existence. So the concept of Reiki And The Future is changing the future of earth in a big way.
Earlier, and even at present, the world is different because people fight with each other to promote their own happiness. They try to manipulate others to fit their own interests and conditions. People are divided on the basis of many factors such as nations, ethnic groups, religions, race etc. People are inclined to have their own identity irrespective of humanity. The basic idea among people is to protect their own unique identity which is a good idea but the problem is that they go to any lengths to do it. Nations have resorted to the development of newer and more advanced weapons to protect themselves or even to destroy other’s identity. They even go to wars with others or other nations and groups for their interest which cannot be said to be right in any situation. Nations have devoted majority of their resources to destroy others and keep their supremacy. Their argument is that they need to do this for their own interest and have even justified wars with other nations. Nations are afraid of each other and tried to be separate from each other but this has not come from real danger but because of lack of knowledge about each other’s cultures, traditions and society as a whole. This fear has caused people to agree to these assumptions which have been turned out to be false.
But the fact is that we are not separate and are all interconnected using the same life force energy which is inside everyone. So, our bigger duty is to protect and serve humanity as a whole. But Reiki is beginning to bring in the much wanted change in the society of the world. The theory of interconnectivity is also the basis of Reiki which knows that everybody is part of the same consciousness. This has also been helped by the fact that in the present times the world has become a much smaller place compared to the past and people can see and observe each other more closely and understand each other. The fact that we are one is being realized by great leaders of the world and they are making efforts for a close-knit world.
It has been also realized by the world that if we work in cohesion with each other, then we would be much better off and happy. That is why there is an increasing international population which is aiming its efforts at uniting the world rather than dividing. We are also moving from a world with hate, wars and division to a world full of love, compassion and gratitude.
Different conditions can be treated or healed using Reiki as all the negative energy is driven out of the system or body and replaced with positive energy. This is true with emotional, mental and physical problems that occur in human body.
Read MoreAlcohol and drug addiction are one of the most common problems now which cause tremendous emotional pain when de-addicted.
Read MoreReiki has become very popular all over the world. It is easily recognized everywhere but it is not so much known among the rural sections in the world.
Read MoreBefore your birth on earth, you discuss about your new kind of life with your soul mates and friends in the realms of light.
Read MoreNurses use Reiki for assessing a person’s health condition because they get the inside ‘picture’ of the patient or the patient’s real, actual or true health condition.
Read MoreAs in every aspect, love is also not untouched by the great effects of Reiki. Because love is one of the best feelings and emotions that man has known, it works wonders for love.
Read MoreAll of us are eager to fulfill our wishes and desires and do something better with our lives. All need something more satisfying, supportive and convincing to feel happier, fulfilled and better.
Read MoreReiki is for the best of humanity as a whole and is not dependent on any race, religion or language. The aim of Reiki is to bring the best of healing for the common good.
Read MoreReiki has proved to be very effective in recovering from drug and alcohol addiction. It is used at de-addiction centres for helping people overcome their habits.
Read MoreGenerally, people know that Reiki heals but are unaware of its many other uses. They know that Reiki can transform lives for better purposes but some do not know how it can affect other aspects of our lives such as improve our home, relationships, career etc.
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