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Reiki for improved nursing and care

Reiki for improved nursing and care

Nurses use Reiki for assessing a person’s health condition because they get the inside ‘picture’ of the patient or the patient’s real, actual or true health condition. This is very useful because patients are not always able to tell their exact condition because of poor assessment of their health, inability to express their true assessments and feelings, lack of knowledge of medical conditions or simply because of not willing to tell. That is why Reiki for improved nursing and care is needed. Through Reiki, nurses are able to deal with the patients in a much better way, they can make the affected areas or the incision site less painful, enable them to have better, deep and relaxed sleep, encouraging and preparing them to meet their traumatic conditions boldly and with confidence.

The emergency room nurses show one of the best results as they are able to calm patients down and relaxed at times of crisis. They become more confident, open and assured of treatment. It also helps other family members calm down and they are more relaxed and assured. It even helps doctors gain a better insight. Qualified doctors are able to ‘see’ deeper in a patient and instantly know which patient’s condition is more serious and needs to be attended first or on priority.

Then, there are nurses who are engaged in the managerial tasks and duties. They are able to meet the stressful work conditions easily and more confidently. They are able to handle the daily tasks such as counselling, staffing and overseeing the overall and general working of the hospital in more effective, productive and easy manner. They can remain calm and composed while executing their daily tasks and this allows them to handle difficult and even impossible situations and circumstances confidently and efficiently. Reiki calms situations down, creates a peaceful, alert, intuitive, receptive and clear thinking. It makes them manage things so that they do not get out of control and things go smooth. Reiki also enhances their hypnotherapy skills, guided imagery exercises, work in delivery rooms and massage sessions etc.

Reiki has proved to be there for every single medical and health related requirements as well as in their professional life. Nurses are also able to take care of themselves because it helps or enables them to take care of their patients even better. They are able to restore their energies quickly after seeing one patient and move on to the next bed with new energy and vigour. Nurses are better healers because they can combine technical medical knowledge and patient care through Reiki which produces optimum results as health care givers.

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