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Reiki for alcohol and drug de-addiction

Reiki for alcohol and drug de-addiction

Reiki for alcohol and drug de-addiction

Alcohol and drug addiction are one of the most common problems now which cause tremendous emotional pain when de-addicted. There is lot of guilt feeling associated with addiction but leaving it is equally traumatic. There are immense physical and psychological pains which require long time to get cured even in traditional medicine. Therefore there is search for something new which can relieve the pain naturally or without causing any side effect and Reiki has proved to do exactly that. Reiki for alcohol and drug de-addiction has proved to be very effective and long lasting.

The healing done by Reiki for addict has been long term and pain free. There are also no side effects and is easy and simple to do or follow. The patients need tremendous emotional support which is provided by Reiki which involves faith, confidence and intent to heal. It is the perfect fit for the psychological sufferings of the patients who have been recently de-addicted. Clients sometimes cry during the session and this is a great healing because it helps release the pent up feelings and emotions deep into the subconscious and the psyche. There is release of severe and tremendous inner pressure and built-up stress which is relieved through Reiki and there is healing at the psychological level of the patient’s mind.

Clients say that they were healed to a large extent by getting touched caringly or looked after without somebody wanting anything from them. There is no need for any return to them or to give anything to them for their care and love which they give under Reiki. The care, love, softness and compassion remove the suffering and tension that they have out of drug abuse. They are affected by Reiki for whole of their lives and are able to live peacefully.

By placing hands under Reiki, emotional healing is achieved which proves to be effective and deep. There is deep and subconscious level treatment which ensures that the problem does not occur in the future. This is most effective for patients with chemical dependency because any form of substance abuse is linked to psychological problems and pain. Many patients exhibit quick relieve of symptoms and are able to stay that way for ever. There is reduced craving for substances and even if there is craving, they are able to manage it and easily too. The patients are able to manage themselves and do so for all the future.

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