The world around us is basically all about energy. It is everything that is around us because energy gets converted into various things and objects. But for this you should learn on how to tap into universal energy. It is possible if you have received Reiki attunement and are able to practice as required. In case you do exercise Reiki properly and stick to the regimen then you will reap unbelievable and astonishing benefits.
The universal energy will play vital role in shaping your life as well as your health. It cures the health problems by attacking at the root cause. As everything basically appears and takes place at the cellular level, the role of the universal energy becomes crucial as it acts at the cellular levels. It has been observed that the universal energy has the capacity to alter event the physical world and can create a new channel of energy. The new vibration into the body creates a new leash of energy and the aura is healed.
As there are blockages in the energy channels, there is obstruction in the energy flow because of the concentration of negative energies. The defects or disturbances occur because of two reasons. One is because of inadequate or insufficient energy flow and second, because of the flow of negative energy through the channels. As the chakras are the centres or cores of energy, any defect in the chakras cause the flow to get disturbed or defective, resulting in the creation of imbalance of energy in the body.
The imbalance or improper flow of energy in the body causes various diseases to occur in the different parts of the body. As there is imbalance, there is concentration of negative energy in the parts of body where there should be flow, and lack of proper levels of energy in other pars which causes range of ailments in the person.
Therefore, it is imminent that we should do practice the energy healing so that the flow remains even, uniform, sufficient and positive. This will alone ensure that a person is in good shape and able to lead a happy and healthy life. As everything depends on energy, any problems in it will appear in the form of physical disease, ailments, diseases and disorders in the person. Although, seemingly unrelated, each and every physical malfunction of the person has its roots in the uneven and negative patterns of energy flow in the body.